With warmest welcomes and appreciation for showing interest in MY BLOG

This BLOG has been a heartfelt, soulfull, determination to make a wish of mine come true- to put out all the positive, motivational, inspiration, up-lifting, relatable messages, stories, affirmations, quotes, revelations, confessions, and personal struggles that will hopefully touch someone- even if it is just ONE person- and work to make their day a little brighter; their mood more positive; their belief in themselves much stronger; and maybe, just maybe, get that message across that we are all beautiful, worthwhile, lovable, courageous, strong, capable people with so much goodness to offer. My dream is that, as you check in and read some of the blogs or quotes or affirmations- even self-confessions- that you will gain the knowledge; the sincere belief that you are AMAZING just as you are. That you have everything inside you you need to make your own dreams come true. Give up the strive for perfection. There is NO such thing. There is only your best and in doing your best you are free from the need to control; free from your demons; free from feeling empty. Always remember, we are perfect as we are. We are all shining lights or gems that have just become clouded or dusty. Our job is to polish that beautiful gem of the Self within and shine as we were meant to- in all our beauty; in all our strength; in all our amazingness; in all our unique and special differences.

All my love to you all. May you know pure happiness; total confidence; and the sincere belief that you are an amazing human being.


Monday, August 22, 2011


"If you live by the expectations of what others will give, in regards to what you giveto them....you will set yourself up for disappointment. Focus on the positive at this moment, "today". Don't let the lack of immediate feedback and encouragement discourage you. Be understanding and patient. You don't know what the others are thinking, going, or dealing with. Don't assume. Expectations can sometimes put a lot of pressure on others. It can scare them or make them feel overwhelmed. If you continually give without expectation, pressure, and frustration...it eases the mind of others. it allows them to relax, trust and be "willing" to give back to you in the future. So just keep giving, be patient, and in the mean time, focus on your "present" positives. Do this and you will build appreciation, love, trust, and respect in the mind of others. Lead them to appreciate you and "want" to...rather than feel pressured and "need" to. Let go of expectations. Remain positive and relaxed despite situations not going as you "expect" or "want" them to. If you do, you will be pleasantly surprised suddenly, when you "expect' it the least." ~Simply Positive, 8-21-11

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