With warmest welcomes and appreciation for showing interest in MY BLOG

This BLOG has been a heartfelt, soulfull, determination to make a wish of mine come true- to put out all the positive, motivational, inspiration, up-lifting, relatable messages, stories, affirmations, quotes, revelations, confessions, and personal struggles that will hopefully touch someone- even if it is just ONE person- and work to make their day a little brighter; their mood more positive; their belief in themselves much stronger; and maybe, just maybe, get that message across that we are all beautiful, worthwhile, lovable, courageous, strong, capable people with so much goodness to offer. My dream is that, as you check in and read some of the blogs or quotes or affirmations- even self-confessions- that you will gain the knowledge; the sincere belief that you are AMAZING just as you are. That you have everything inside you you need to make your own dreams come true. Give up the strive for perfection. There is NO such thing. There is only your best and in doing your best you are free from the need to control; free from your demons; free from feeling empty. Always remember, we are perfect as we are. We are all shining lights or gems that have just become clouded or dusty. Our job is to polish that beautiful gem of the Self within and shine as we were meant to- in all our beauty; in all our strength; in all our amazingness; in all our unique and special differences.

All my love to you all. May you know pure happiness; total confidence; and the sincere belief that you are an amazing human being.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Things That Save Us.......

"Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime, We are saved by hope.
Nothing true, beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; We are saved by faith. Nothing we do, can be truly be accomplished alone; We are saved by love. No virtuous act is as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as from our own; We are saved by the final form of love, which is forgiveness."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." Alice Walker
Remember, you have EVERYTHING you need, right now, at this very moment and in every moment hereafter, to be, have and achieve everything you've ever wanted. You just need to BELIEVE it!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Asking Questions........

"The answers to who we are, what we want, and how to create our best life are within us. Everything we need is waiting patiently for us to stop asking other people and to start asking questions to ourselves."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Live in This Very Moment......"

"Live in this very moment and live this moment to the fullest.
The past is over... and we can't go back.
The future hasn't arrived... and we can't predict it.
When we focus on time... we miss living in the now...
Which is all that we have.
...And when you do... there will be no regrets." - C.Maloney

Monday, July 11, 2011

"It's YOUR Choice....."

"Sometimes we take a step and the world falls down around us...
And sometimes we just need to take that step so we can rebuild on a more solid foundation.
We can spend our time agonizing over the fall
Or we can start building a better life.
It's your choice..."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Our Deepest Fear......" (This is one of my favorite quotes and bares repeating)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is 
our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most...We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people 
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
           - Marianne Williamson, American author and lecturer

Keep Movin'

"Even when the road gets rough…
Keep going.
Even when you’re tired…
Rest… then go again.
Forward movement is progress.
...A step back is a lesson.
And every step brings you closer to your dream.
Keep moving!"


"You don't get it by      STARING
  You don't get it by
  You don't get it by
   You don't get it by
   You don't get it
   You get it by


You know who I am, you’ve called me your friend
Wishes of misery and heartache I send
I want only to see that you’re brought to your knees
I’m the devil inside you, I am your disease.

I’ll invade all your thoughts, I’ll take hostage your soul
I’ll become your new master, in total control
I’ll maim your emotions, I’ll run the whole game
Till your entire existence is crippled with shame

When you call me I come, sometimes in disguise
Quite often I’ll take you by total surprise
But take you I will, and just as you’ve feared
I’ll want only to hurt you, with no mercy spared

If you have your own family, I’ll see it destroyed
I’ll steal every pleasure in life you’ve enjoyed
I’ll not only hurt you, I’ll kill if I please
I’m your worst living nightmare, I am your disease.

I bring self destruction, but still you can’t tell
I’ll sweep you through heaven, then drop you in hell
I’ll chase you forever, wherever you go
And then when I catch you, you won’t even know

I’ll sometimes lay silent, just waiting to strike
What’s yours becomes mine, cuz I take what I like
I’ll take all you own and I won’t care who sees
I’m your constant companion…I am your disease.

If you have any honor, I’ll strip it away
You’ll lose all your hope and forget how to pray
I’ll leave you in darkness, while blindly you stare
I’ll reduce you to nothing, and won’t even care

So, don’t take for granted my powers sublime
I’ll bend and I’ll break you, time after time
I’ll crumble your world with the greatest of ease
I’m that madman inside you…I am your disease.

But today I’m real Angry…you want to know why?
I let all in recovery, entirely slip by
How did I lose you? Where did I go wrong?

One minute I had you…the next you were gone

You just can’t dismiss all the good times we’ve shared
When you were alone…wasn’t it I who appeard?
When you sold those possessions you knew you would need
Wasn’t I the first one who stepped in and agreed?

Now look at you bastards, you’re all thinking clear
You escaped with your lives when you found your way here
Only fools think they’re winners when admitting defeat
It’s what you must say when you’re claiming that seat

Go ahead and surrender, if that’s what you choose
But, I’m not giving up, cuz I can’t stand to lose
So stand in your groups and support hand in hand
Better choices will save you…leaving me be damned

Well, be damned all you people seeking treatment each week
Be damned inner strength, however unique
Be damned all your sayings, be damned your clichés
Be damned every addict, who back to me strays

For I know it will happen, I’ve seen it before
Those who love misery will crawl back for more
So take comfort in knowing, I’m waiting right here
But next time around, you’d just better beware

You think that you’re stronger or smarter this time
There isn’t a mountain or hill you can’t climb
Well if that’s what you’re thinkin’, you ain’t learned a thing
I’ll still knock you silly if you step back in my ring

But you say you’ve surrendered, so what can I do?
It’s so sad in a way, I had big plans for you
Creating your nightmare for me was a dream
I’m sure gonna miss you…we made quite a team.

So please don’t forget me, I won’t forget you
I’ll stand by your side watching all that you do
I’m ready and waiting, so call if you please
I won’t let you forget me…I am your disease.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Do Not Let the Fire Go Out....

"Do not let the fire go out, spark irreplaceable spark in the hopeless sweeps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.....It is real.....It is possible....It's yours."- Ayn Rand